Display Timings

Information about synchronization timing for some common resolutions


Provided in this Document are the sychronization timings required for a few common display formats.

You can download infomation for other timings from the VESA website.

Description Notation 1024x768 Width/Freq 1280x720 Width/Freq 1920x1080 Width/Freq
Pixel Clock Tclk 65MHz 74.25MHz 148.50MHz
Hor Sync Time Ths 136 Pixels 40 Pixels 44 Pixels
Hor Back Porch Thbp 160 Pixels 220 Pixels 148 Pixels
Hor Front Porch Thfb 24 Pixels 110 Pixels 88 Pixels
Hor Addr Video Time Thaddr 1024 Pixels 1280 Pixels 1920 Pixels
Hor L/R Border Thbd 0 Pixels 0 Pixels 0 Pixels
V Sync Time Tvs 6 lines 5 lines 5 lines
V Back Porch Tvbp 29 lines 20 lines 36 lines
V Front Porch Tvfp 3 lines 5 lines 4 lines
V Addr Video Time Tvaddr 768 lines 720 lines 1080 lines
V T/B Border Tvbd 0 lines 0 lines 0 lines