XOR Gates


XOR Gates

The two-input exclusive-or (XOR) gate is a common circuit used in many digital applications. It is often used as a controllable toggle switch. The circuit, schematic symbol, and truth table are shown below.

Figure 1. XOR Gate CMOS Circuit, Truth Table, and Schematic.
Figure 1. XOR Gate CMOS Circuit, Truth Table, and Schematic.

The XOR gate outputs a 1 when either A is high or B is high, but not when both are high. In other words, the XOR gate outputs a 1 when an odd number of inputs are asserted. This circuit can be optimized to use just 12 transistors using CMOS technology.

The exclusive-NOR (XNOR) gate is very similar to the XOR gate, except with the addition of a NOT gate on the output. The XNOR gate outputs a 1 when an even number of inputs are asserted.

Think of a the XOR gate as a two-way light switch in your house: flipping any switch in the circuit toggles the light. Both the XOR and XNOR circuit can be written in Verilog as follows:

module xor_2 (
    input A, B,
    output Y
assign Y = A ^ B;
module xnor_2 (
    input A, B,
    output Y
assign Y = ~(A ^ B);

We can create a three-input XOR gate by cascading two-input XOR gates into another. A three-input XNOR gate can be made by cascading two-input XOR gates, and then adding a NOT gate to the output.

Figure 2. XOR Gate CMOS Circuit, Truth Table, and Schematic.
Figure 2. XOR Gate CMOS Circuit, Truth Table, and Schematic.

We can extend this idea to create an XOR or XNOR gate of any size. Shown below is an implementation of a 3-input XOR and XNOR gate in Verilog.

module xor_3 (
    input A, B, C,
    output Y
assign Y = A ^ B ^ C;
module xnor_3 (
    input A, B, C,
    output Y
assign Y = ~(A ^ B ^ C);

Pro Tip: We can simplify our code by using the XNOR reduction operator. In general, reduction operators are great choices when performing one operation multiple signals.

module xnor_3_reduced (
    input [2:0] X,
    output Y
assign Y = ~^X;

Test Bench

To run this test bench, create a source file called xor_3.v and paste the xor_3 module from above. Do the same for the xnor_3 module. Create a new simulation file called xor_tb.v and paste the following code. Press the “Run Simulation” button and a similar waveform simulation will appear.

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module xor_tb;

// inputs are stored in registers since registers can hold values
reg A, B, C;

// outputs are assigned to wires
wire Y, Z;

// instantiate our xor_3 module, name this instance "CUT_1"
// we can change the name CUT_1 to just about anything we want
// "CUT" commonly stands for "Circuit Under Test"
xor_3 CUT_1 (

// connect the output of the xnor gate to wire "Z"
xnor_3 CUT_2 (

// run the simulation, testing all possible combinations of A, B, and C
integer k;
initial begin
    for(k = 0; k < 8; k=k+1) begin
        #10 {A,B,C} = k;
    #10 $finish;


A new tab should appear named “Untitled 1”. Click on it to view the simulation. Click the “Zoom Fit” button to see the entire simulation.

Figure 3. Test Bench Simulation
Figure 3. Test Bench Simulation

Verify that Y is a 1 when an odd number of inputs are asserted. Verify that Z is a 1 when an even number of inputs are asserted. Verify that Y and Z are always the “not” of each other.

Note: since there are three binary inputs to these circuits, there are 2^3 = 8 possible input combinations for A, B, and C. Each input combination tests one of the rows in the truth table for the three-input XOR and XNOR gates.

Important Ideas

  • XOR and XNOR gates are common building blocks in digital design.
  • XOR gates can be used as a controllable inverter by using one input as a control signal, and the other input as the data signal. Driving the control signal high results in the data signal fliping values.
  • XOR gates can be used to check parity, i.e. if the number of ones in a signal is even or odd.