A magnitude comparator is a device that receives two N-bit inputs and asserts one of three possible outputs depending on whether one input is greater than, less than, or equal to the other (simpler comparators, called equality comparators, provide a single output that is asserted whenever the two inputs are equal). Comparators are readily described in behavioral Verilog, but they are somewhat more difficult to design using structural or schematic methods. In fact, comparator design is an excellent vehicle to showcase the power of behavioral design, and the relative tedium of structural design.
A structural comparator design is best attacked using the bit-slice method. Consider an 8-bit magnitude comparator circuit that creates the GT, LT, and EQ output signals for two 8-bit operands. In Fig. 3, if A=159 and B=155 are presented to the comparator, then the GT output should be asserted, and the LT and EQ outputs should be de-asserted. The operand bits are equal in all slices except the bit 2 slice. Somehow, the inequality in the bit 2 slice must influence the overall circuit outputs, forcing GT to a ‘1’ and LT and EQ to a ‘0’. Any bit pair could show an inequality, and any bit-slice module design must work in any bit position.
Clearly, a bit-slice design cannot work in isolation, using only the two data bits as inputs. A bit-slice design must take into account information generated from neighboring bit-slices. Specifically, each comparator bit-slice must receive not only the two operand input bits, but also the GT, LT, and EQ outputs of its less-significant bit neighbor. In the present example, the bit 3 slice in isolation would assert the EQ output, but the inequality in the bit 2 slice should force the bit 3 slice to assert GT and de-assert both EQ and LT. In fact, the outputs from any stage where the operand bits are equal depend on the inputs arising from the neighboring stage.
A bit-slice magnitude comparator circuit must have five inputs and three outputs as shown in the truth table in Fig. 4. As with any combinational design, the truth table completely specifies the required comparator bit-slice behavior. Normally, a truth table for a five-input function would require 32 rows. The 8-row truth table in Fig. 4 is adequate because certain input combinations are not possible (i.e., the inputs from the neighboring slice are mutually exclusive), and others are immaterial (i.e., if the current operand inputs show A > B, the neighboring slice inputs do not matter). You are encouraged to examine the truth table in detail, and convince yourself that you agree with the information it contains.
The truth table can be used to find a minimal bit-slice comparator circuit using pencil-and-paper methods or computer-based methods. Either way, a bit-slice circuit with the block diagram shown in the figure below can be designed. Once designed, a bit-slice circuit can be used in an N-bit comparator as shown in Fig. 5. Note that for the N-bit comparator, no neighbor bit-slice exists for the least-significant bits; those non-existent bits are assumed to be equal. Note also that the overall comparator output arises from the outputs from the most-significant bit pair. In the exercises and lab project that accompany this module, you are asked to design a comparator bit-slice design as well as an 8-bit comparator circuit.
Designing a 4-bit Comparator Structurally and Behaviorally
Implement Comparator Structurally
Bit-Sliced Comparator Module
Create a Verilog module for a bit-sliced magnitude comparator according to the truth table presented in Fig. 6 below. You can try to create the module on your own and then check your work by clicking the Show/Hide Code below figure 1.
module cmp_bitslice(
input A,
input B,
input LT_I,
input EQ_I,
input GT_I,
output LT_O,
output EQ_O,
output GT_O
assign GT_O = ( A & ~B ) | (~(A ^ B) & GT_I);
assign EQ_O = EQ_I & (( A & B ) | (~A & ~B));
assign LT_O = ( B & ~A ) | (~(A ^ B) & LT_I);
Structurally Describe 4-bit Comparator with Bit Sliced Module
Connect the bit-sliced magnitude comparator according to the block diagram shown in Fig. 7 below. Again, try to create the module on your own and then check your code by clicking Show/Hide Code.
module cmp(
input [3:0] A,
input [3:0] B,
output LT_O,
output EQ_O,
output GT_O
wire [3:0] GT_int;
wire [3:0] EQ_int;
wire [3:0] LT_int;
cmp_bitslice slice_0 (
cmp_bitslice slice_1 (
cmp_bitslice slice_2 (
cmp_bitslice slice_3 (
assign LT_O = LT_int[3];
assign EQ_O = EQ_int[3];
assign GT_O = GT_int[3];
Implement Comparator Behaviorally
To implement a comparator, it is more convenient to use behavioral descriptions in Verilog. In the behavioral description, you are using logic operator ==
, >
and <
to ask the Verilog synthesizer to insert the corresponding logic block for you. In such case, Verilog synthesizer decides the implementation of the comparator block instead of you the designer. Moreover, you also need to be careful when you have logic operation in your Verilog code. At each appearance of such operators, some comparison logic block is instantiated in your circuit.
You can create the behavioral comparator yourself and then compare it to the code provided. Click “Show/Hide Code” to see the example code.
module cmp(
input [3:0] A,
input [3:0] B,
output LT_O,
output EQ_O,
output GT_O
assign LT_O = (A < B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign EQ_O = (A == B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign GT_O = (A > B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
Important Ideas
- When designing circuits with bussed inputs that represent binary numbers, it is often easier to consider a circuit designed for a single pair of bits, rather than for the entire binary number. This method of analysis is called Bit-Slice.
- Dealing with these additional internal signals may require some additional gates that would not have been needed in a non-bit slice design. But most often, the additional gates are a very small price to pay for enabling a more practicable design approach.
- A magnitude comparator is a device that receives two N-bit inputs and asserts one of three possible outputs depending on whether one input is greater than, less than, or equal to the other (simpler comparators, called equality comparators, provide a single output that is asserted whenever the two inputs are equal).
- The truth table can be used to find a minimal bit-slice comparator circuit using pencil-and-paper methods or computer-based methods.