Block ROM

Setting up Block ROM


Add Block Memory Generator IP

Right click in your system diagram, select Add IP. Search for Block Memory Generator. Double click on it and open up the IP settings.

Configure Block Memory Generator IP

Basic Setup

From the Basic tab, set the memory type to Single Port ROM as shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Block Memory Generator Basic Tab
Figure 1. Block Memory Generator Basic Tab

Port A Options

Set Port A width to 8 bits and depth to 200001 as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Block Memory Generator Port A Options Tab
Figure 2. Block Memory Generator Port A Options Tab

Add .COE file to initialize the ROM

Check the Load Init File check box under Memory Initialization section. Download unsigned 8-bit sound data, browse the file and click ok.

Figure 3. Block Memory Generator Other Options Tab
Figure 3. Block Memory Generator Other Options Tab

Your Block ROM is now set up and can be used, make necessary connections and set it up with the rest of your system.