Project 6 Common Peripherals

Setting up and Using Common Peripherals on the Zynq chip



In this project, you will learn how to configure MIO pins through the ZYNQ7 Processing System IP Core. You will then implement your design on the board and demonstrate that it works.


This background material will introduce some common peripherals in the ZYNQ chip on Blackboard. Go through the materials to gain stronger understanding of how to use these systems.


1. Configure ZYNQ7 Processing System to use UART, SPI, and I2C interfaces for Specific Sensors

Configure the ZYNQ7 Processing System by following the Configuring ZYNQ7 Processing System tutorial. Demonstrate that your configured system works by exporting it to the SDK and trasferring data accross the bus lines. Demonstrate in the following requirements that your configured system works by exporting it to the SDK and trasferring data accross the bus lines. You may refer to Microprocessor Systems course for more information on programming these bus’s.

2. Get WHO_AM_I Register values from the NAV Sensor

Show that you can get WHO_AM_I register values from the NAV sensor

3. Get Temperature Value from the TEMP Sensor

Show that you can get temperature value from the TEMP sensor.

4. Send and Receive a word through UART

Show that you can transfer and receive a word through the UART COM port.


1. Create an SDK Terminal Application to control your Display Controller IP

Create an SDK Terminal Application using UART1 that is able to:

  • Turn on (enable) the VGA/HDMI connection
  • Display a specific Character on the screen

2. Add more functionalities to your SDK Terminal Application that controls Display Controller IP

Add functionalities such as:

  • Reconfiguring Resolution through the UART
  • Displaying Temperature Data on the screen